SavageMs v83

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SavageMs v83

SavageMs v83

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    Zeref's GFX App


    Posts : 2
    Points : 4
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2012-08-25

    Zeref's GFX App Empty Zeref's GFX App

    Post  Zeref Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:39 pm

    Real name: Colin (I don't like mentioning my last name)

    Age: 16

    Character name: Zeref

    Time zone: EST (UTC-05:00)

    How can we contact you(Skype perferred):
    Skype, MSN, or Aim. I'll personally tell you any of those. I don't like them being public.

    How would you catch hackers?:
    I don't tend to sit around so while I'm going from map to map I can easily pick up conversation that may be suspicious and hang around to see what's going on(in hide of course).

    How would you handle two players/game masters fighting?:
    Conflicts are really common among MSPS's so I would get the two users together and try to figure out what's going on between them. Once I've heard both sides of the story I would be able to take appropriate action to resolve the problem.

    Have you read the game master rules?:
    Yeah, I have.

    Show us some of your work: I don't work with MapleStory that often so my GFX tend to be non-MS related. I put this list in chronological order.

    Additional information about you:
    I'm taking photography courses in my high school so my graphic abilities are constantly expanding from my lessons(though that wasn't the case last year since I knew everything they taught). I have computer access for extensive hours so I'd be able to help new members throughout the day. I'm familiar with mostly every GFX request you could throw at me. Avatars, signatures, banners, or forum images, I can do them all.
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    Location : Somewhere in NY

    Zeref's GFX App Empty Re: Zeref's GFX App

    Post  Predator Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:48 am

    Can u please private message me your skype?

    Posts : 2
    Points : 4
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2012-08-25

    Zeref's GFX App Empty Re: Zeref's GFX App

    Post  Zeref Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:57 am

    Predator wrote:Can u please private message me your skype?


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