SavageMs v83

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SavageMs v83

SavageMs v83

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Welcome To SavageMS Forums

    GM Application Breakdown

    Head GM
    Head GM

    Posts : 35
    Points : 2147483647
    Reputation : 6
    Join date : 2012-08-08
    Location : Behind You

    GM Application Breakdown Empty GM Application Breakdown

    Post  MrFluffy Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:18 pm

    Real name:
    Simple what is your legal name/last name

    How old are you?

    Character name:
    Simple what is your name in SavageMS

    Time zone:
    What is your timezone if you dont know click on the clock ont he taskbar below or were ever you have it then "change date and time settings." you should see your timezone under "Timezone:"

    Approximately how long has it been since you joined the SavageMS community?

    How long have you been playing SavageMS. You must have been playing for 1 week or more.

    How can we contact you(Skype perferred):
    Got any email or any other way we can contact you? Write it here. We prefer skype.

    How would you catch hackers?:
    Have you seen hackers? How would you handle them.

    How would you handle two players/game masters fighting?:
    Have you ever seen a fight with two players or game masters(GM)? How would you handle both of them.

    Have you read the game master rules?:
    Simple just read the game master rules.

    Have you have experience in the game master field(If so show proof):
    Have you been a game master(GM) field in any other server? Write it here. If so and you have proof put it here.

    Additional information about you:
    Got some extra information about yourself? Write it here.

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:15 pm