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SavageMs v83

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    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.


    Should i Become a Game master.

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    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. I_vote_lcap0%Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. I_vote_rcap [0%] 
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    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. I_vote_lcap0%Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. I_vote_rcap [0%] 

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    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2012-08-21

    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. Empty Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.

    Post  holyida1123 Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:07 am

    Real name: My real name is Bill.

    Age: Currently i am 15.

    Character name: Bill.

    Time zone: Gmt-5 Standard Eastern Time.

    Approximately how long has it been since you joined the SavageMS community? One day. But i can easily commit to servers and i play around 6-7 hrs a day in summer but school is on its way when school comes 1 hr or more time will be spent i love newer servers you get to introduce new people and create a great brand new community.

    How can we contact you(Skype perferred): Karmaxx3 please state you're in game name and real name when u add me or i will deny it.

    How would you catch hackers?: first i would channel surf in hide at grind spots then !hackers and warp to them to see if they are hacking and then ss or video depending on offense. then followed with appropriate punishment.

    How would you handle two players/game masters fighting?: Depends if i see a clear right or wrong then i would obviously punish the wrong and end the fight if it is even and i have no bias opinion then i would listen to both sides and use my experience and judgement to decide what will continue. Also if Game Masters are fighting they shouldn't be game masters it clearly shows they are immature and unable to handle responsibility over others because they are first unable to control themselves.

    Have you read the game master rules?: Yes i have read and thought about all of the rules.

    Have you have experience in the game master field(If so show proof): i have Gm experience in around 200 pservers i know it sounds like a lot but once u play for as long as i have the numbers add up i am a very professional experienced and mature Gm. i have been a Gm in servers like AkaiMs HiddenMS BankaiMs CitrixMs CombatMs HouseMS StreetMs and etc.

    Additional information about you: i am a very reasonable person i like to socialize with the community but at the same time being professional is more important to help people is my main reason to apply as a game master i wish to provide to good ms servers the service that was provided to me by the staff that i knew and helped me become the person i am today. sometimes u have to get to know me before we can be good friends and i know i can seem rough and mean at times but its all for good i never mean harm to anyone and i want people to have fun in maplestory like i do.

    Posts : 3
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    Join date : 2012-08-19

    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. Empty Re: Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.

    Post  Kataaay Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:15 am

    I have met you in '' a server I shall not name but you were very rude and you would swear when you lost at PvP, not very professional is it? Anyways, best of luck.
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    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. Empty Re: Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.

    Post  Predator Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:18 am

    Must have to have been in the community for 1 week at least.

    /Thread Closed until August 28, 2012.
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    Location : Somewhere in NY

    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. Empty Re: Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.

    Post  Predator Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:54 pm

    Thread Closed

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    Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application. Empty Re: Bill's GameMaster/ In game Moderator Application.

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