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    Guide to disabling Microsoft Loopback Adapters


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    Guide to disabling Microsoft Loopback Adapters Empty Guide to disabling Microsoft Loopback Adapters

    Post  Vietnamese Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:08 pm

    For Windows XP users:
    1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your screen.
    2. Click on "Control Panel."
    3. Click on the Network Connections while inside your Control Panel.
    4. Right click the one that says "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" as the adapter name and select "Disable."
    *Repeat to enable the adapter.

    For Windows Vista/Windows 7 users:
    1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your screen.
    2. You'll see a selection named 'Computer', right click on that selection, a list of other options will appear.
    3. Select 'Properties' from the list.
    4. A window opens, scroll down, and on the right side of the window, you'll see an option 'Change settings'.
    5. Click on that, another window opens.
    6. Look for the tab at the top of the new window named 'Hardware'.
    7. Select that tab, and click on the button named 'Device Managers'.
    8. Another window opens, look for the option that says 'Network Adapters', it's usually found at the bottom.
    9. Click on the tiny '+' or arrow beside the option, and it expands.
    10. Look for 'Microsoft Loopback Adapter', click on it once and select the Disable button at the top of the window.
    11. Once you're done, close all windows. Launch and play.

    *note will be moved to "Guides" soon

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:32 pm