SavageMs v83

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SavageMs v83

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    Player's Event Guide


    Posts : 24
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    Join date : 2012-08-09
    Location : sgv

    Player's Event Guide  Empty Player's Event Guide

    Post  Vietnamese Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:22 pm

    Event Guide
    This guide is just basic. GM's can use diffrent rules/names if they like.

    Question and Answer / Stairs Event
    Everyone sit on the first platform. The GM will ask you a question. The first who awnsers the qwestion correct. Will go up 1 platform. First one on the top, wins. There amount of winners depends on the GM.

    Jump Quest - JQ
    This is the most simple event. You get warped to a Jump Quest map, after which you have to complete it. The first 1~3 (depending on how many winners the GM wants) get prizes!

    True or False - T/F
    This event always takes place in the OX Quiz map. At the start, all the players will have to get onto the middle. Then, the GM will start making statements of which you have to decide if they're true or false. When you think the statement is true, you have to walk to the left (<<) side of the map, and when you think it's false, you have to walk to the right (>>) side of the map. You get about 10 seconds (depending on what GM is hosting) to think and move at every statement. If you're on middle after the seconds have passed, you have lost the event. You have also lost the event if you're on the wrong side.

    Last Man Standing - LMS / Trivia
    This event takes place in the OX Quiz map most of the time. At the start, all the players will have to spread out. They can be anywhere in the map, except on the top and middle. After the explaining is done, the GM will ask questions which the players have to answer in 'To All' chat. The first one to get a question right gets to kick out 1~3 people, depending on how far the event has progressed.

    Russian Roulette - RR
    The GM will hide on a platform, then revive the map and give them a certain amount of time to pick a platform. When the time has passed and the timer is on 0:00, the GM will once again kill the map. When you're on the same platform as the GM, you have lost the event! As the event progresses, the GM will spawn monsters on some platforms. This means you cannot use those platforms anymore.

    Hide and Seek - H&S
    The GM will hide in a random map throughout the MapleStory world. When the GM finishes finding a map, [/COLOR][/B]he/she will give hints as to what map he/she is in over notices. Meaning, you only have the hints to find out where he/she is. When you think you're in the right map, you have to say a certain line of text the GM specified before he/she went to hide. First one to find the GM wins the round! This event has 7 rounds most of the time.

    Alll the players will have to spread out. Then, the GM thinks up a number. He/she writes it down somewhere. Whoever guesses this number will lose the event. The GM will start with 1~100. If the first player says 42, and the number is, for example, 5.. it'll change to 1~42 for the next player. You have to say a number between the first and last number the GM says, and you can't pick the edge numbers. So eventually, someone will guess the number and lose the event.

    Find the items - FTI
    In this event, players are split into teams as they enter the map. Each team must have 6 players and must make a party. The GM will say servel items that need to be collected. For example: 200 Red Shell, 200 Mushsroom Spore, 50 Scorpion Sting. The GM is not allowed to tell the players where to find the items. The first team who brings the items to the GM wins.

    Rhyme Event
    The GM will say a word. For example ‘House’. The first person who whispers the GM a word that rhymes, for example ‘Mouse’, gets 1 point. You need 3 points to win. This event has 3 winners most of the time.

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