SavageMs v83

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SavageMs v83

SavageMs v83

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Welcome To SavageMS Forums

    Game Master Rules

    Head GM
    Head GM

    Posts : 35
    Points : 2147483647
    Reputation : 6
    Join date : 2012-08-08
    Location : Behind You

    Game Master Rules Empty Game Master Rules

    Post  MrFluffy Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:28 pm

    1. Respect players and higher authority.
    2. Do not fight with other GMs.
    3. Be respectful at all times.
    4. Abuse is not tolerated.
    5. Do not lie, ever.
    6. GMs are NOT allowed give each other GM gear, you're only allowed to have your own tag on GM gear.
    7. Do NOT fame PLAYERS in any circumstances.
    8. Favoritism to players of any kind is strictly NOT tolerated, be it your best friend, lover, family member/relative.
    9. Senior GMs are NOT allowed to give items to Trainee GMs.
    10. GMs are NOT allowed to have mules.
    11. GMs are NOT allowed to give other players items in any circumstances, unless they win an event.
    Be active!
    -If you're going AFK for more then a couple of minutes, Please LOG-OUT - This is to ensure the players don't think they are ignoring you.

    Socializing is allowed. - But do not abuse this advantage, be sure to do your duties as well.

    Do not abuse commands on players.
    - Don't warp a player to GM map unless its for an event.
    - If they're not in an event, you shouldn't be seducing them.
    -You are not allowed to warp players unless you have a valid reason. (i.e. Trading, etc.)

    Do not ban other GMs. They are your teammates, not enemies.
    - This rule is to be disregarded if they are abusing.
    - Do not dispute abusing GM bans, bring it to the Head GM/Admins
    - *Never warp other GMs to other maps without their permission, I can't stress this enough.*
    - Do not lie or disrespect other GMs, the HGM, Sub-Admins, or the Owner.
    - Do not get involved in something you don't belong in.
    - Do not warp to the Head GM/Admins without a valid reason.

    Do not hack in public.
    - You were given the skill 'Hide' for a reason, put it to use.

    Have fun but stay professional.

    - Some events may require more GMs, in that scenario make sure there is enough Staff online to cope with the rest of the server that is not participating in the event.
    - Events should not occur within 1 ~ 2 hour(s) of each other; Don’t give in to player requests.
    - Each GM are entitled to hosting only 2 events a day. (Posting the event log on forums) *Assisting another GM is fine.
    - There MUST be at least 6 PLAYERS online if you want to host an event!
    - No spawning of any kind. Mobs, items, etc
    - Limit the monster spawn to 100 during events.
    - Player events are NOT GM events.
    - You cannot host the same type of events TWICE in a row. They have to be separated by 2 different events.
    - When giving out prizes, GMs are required to KILL the map before testing out if either of the item IDs chosen is working. Be sure to CLEAR the drops before moving on, this is to prevent players from using glitched items to crash maps.

    GMs are not allowed to tag items for players under ANY circumstances.
    - Obviously, this DOES exclude Non-NX items that were exchanged for an IoC.
    GM handbook.
    -GM Handbook v83 Link!

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:31 pm